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Philosophers Journey


Will Linn, Ph.D.

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Will Linn, Ph.D., founded the Hussian College Los Angeles General Education Department,, the Mythosophia radio series and Myth Salon. He has appeared in 22 documentaries and television episodes as a mythologist and cultural philosopher. Heholds a B.A. in Philosophy from Sewanee University and a Ph.D. In Mythology with an emphasis in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. His dissertation, Western Myths of Knowledge: Particles of Stone & Waves of Elixir, focuses on the mythic trajectory of western thought and relies heavily on the philosophical contributions of Richard Tarnas.

The Journey of Western Thought


The Philosopher’s Journey is an adventure-course through the story of Western thought—from the history of its birth to what might be its death. Relying heavily on Passion of the Western Mind by Richard Tarnas, this course engages the major questions and lineages of Western philosophy with a significant emphasis on the mind-body question, materialism, individualism, hypermasculinity and the limitations of conscious reason.


- 8 Units - Complete all eight units to complete the course

- 16 Lectures - Lectures are live and recorded. Attendance is tracked. Sixteen are required to complete the course.

- 16 Quizzes - Complete all sixteen quizzes to complete the course

- 16 Writing Reflections - Complete sixteen writing reflections to complete the course. These may be topics of discussion during live class sessions.

- 2 Unit Assignments - Complete 2 of the unit assignments. There are essay and creative options for individuals and groups. Group projects should be more ambitious in scope and must include credits that define each team member’s contributions.


Once you have completed each of the eight units, you will receive a Philosophers’ Journey Certificate of Completion.


At the core of this course is the landmark work of Dr. Richard Tarnas,Passion of the Western Mind.Richard Tarnas, Ph.D., author ofPassion of the Western Mind,is founding director of the Doctoral program in Philosophy Cosmology and Consciousness at the California Institute of Integral Studies, former Director of Programs and Education at Esalen Institute, and the first philosophy professor in Pacifica Graduate Institute’s doctoral program in Mythology with an emphasis in Depth Psychology. He received his Doctorate of Philosophy from Saybrook Institute and graduatedcum laudefrom Harvard University. While at Esalen, Dr. Tarnas taught alongside Stanislav Grof, Joseph Campbell, Gregory Bateson, Huston Smith, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and James Hillman.

Image by Hannah Jacobson


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